Change of Administrator or crack password
(zu alt für eine Antwort)
2009-01-06 03:01:25 UTC
I got a good deal on a laptop demo @ Best Buy. Problem is som
customer has put in an admin's name and password and BB says it alread
took out what it had to. So -how do I change the Administrato
(eliminate the one by customer) or crack the password and then chang
the Admin? Need a lot of Big help here

Posted via http://www.vistaheads.co
Nils Kaczenski [MVP]
2009-01-06 09:02:17 UTC
So -how do I change the Administrator
(eliminate the one by customer) or crack the password and then change
the Admin? Need a lot of Big help here!
reinstall the machine.

BTW this is a German newsgroup.

Bye, Nils
Nils Kaczenski - MVP Windows Server
Antworten bitte nur in die Newsgroup!
PM: Vorname at Nachname .de
2009-11-20 08:23:59 UTC
I have downloaded windows password key 8.0. It is a very quick an
useful utility for resetting passwords. It not only supports XP, 2000
and NT, I have personally tested it with Vista Home Premium an
Ultimate. It works perfectly to reset any local user account to a blan
Just an easy to use bootable CD/DVD . It can also be used on a US
Flash Drive. 'Windows Password | Lost Windows Password | Window
Password Reset | Forgot Windows Password

Posted via http://www.vistaheads.co
xu syon
2012-01-13 03:10:48 UTC
A lot of methods are available to recover or reset the Windows password. The famous Ophcrack is used for recovering the password.The big disadvantage of ophcrack is the large ISO file. We need to download a file of size 500MB to recover the password.And I have tested it ever,it actually can not dispay the password as the instruction says.

However, there is also a plenty of software which can help us reset the Windows password by a bootble DVD/CD or USB driver. As those Windows password recovery software with a small ISO image file, you can save a lost of time and space to download such program. But the problem is you need operate in Dos environment, which is more suitable for PC expert.

So I thought we can simply reset or remove the password using Windows Password Rescuer program. The friendly and intuitive interface of Windows password Rescuer makes it easy to use, even for a novice.You also can use Windows Password Rescuer to add a new user with administrator privilege to your Windows when you can not find target user. With this New user account you can logon your locked computer directly.
customer has put in an admin's name and password and BB says it already
took out what it had to. So -how do I change the Administrator
(eliminate the one by customer) or crack the password and then change
the Admin? Need a lot of Big help here!
Posted via http://www.vistaheads.com
Post by Nils Kaczenski [MVP]
reinstall the machine.
BTW this is a German newsgroup.
Bye, Nils
Nils Kaczenski - MVP Windows Server
Antworten bitte nur in die Newsgroup!
PM: Vorname at Nachname .de
I have downloaded windows password key 8.0. It is a very quick and
useful utility for resetting passwords. It not only supports XP, 2000,
and NT, I have personally tested it with Vista Home Premium and
Ultimate. It works perfectly to reset any local user account to a blank
Just an easy to use bootable CD/DVD . It can also be used on a USB
Flash Drive. 'Windows Password | Lost Windows Password | Windows
Password Reset | Forgot Windows Password'
Posted via http://www.vistaheads.com